Monday, December 12, 2011

Smoke in the Kitchen

I believe that anyone can cook. However, after three years of frantically fanning the smoke detectors, putting out flaming saute pans and scraping burnt food scraps straight into the trash, I've realized that cooking takes a lot more practice than the Food Network makes it seem. Though my friends and I still find ourselves dousing flames on occasion, we've discovered that just about anything can be cooked from fresh, healthy ingredients--usually a much cheaper endeavor than frozen dinners or take-out. 

As a college student, I've learned that cooking takes practice and effort. I've also learned that this is well worth the work with respect to one's health and sanity (cooking is not only a great way to procrastinate, but the best de-stresser). Not to mention, using locally-sourced, seasonal ingredients is an easy way to help out the local economy and still be easy on your wallet.

Essentially, I'd love to share my simple, delicious recipes to anyone who just needs a few pointers and some easy recipes to start out with.

Enjoy, and don't be scared to burn anything!

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